Swedish Life》上有29条评论

  1. Khalid

    I learned so much more titoghns concert. I loved the Medidation piece as well. Michael Sutton was right, the violin is like a human voice. I couldn’t believe the virtuosity of Peter. I can see why violinists thought it was unplayable. I enjoyed the music critic and all the examples you show in the begining to show your point. Thank you so much. A past student of Vern Sutton’s.


  2. Margery

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  3. Alla

    – you can't edit & you can't re!aretec(The first run through looked as if it was going to work fine; I was trying to edit so that I could have them all be archived & go to the same folder)


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    2 týždne čo som presedlal na pandoru. O niečo lepšie vie uhádnuť môj hudobný vkus. Last.fm sa často zastavil a oznámil mi že je málo zdrojov k dispozícii alebo niečo podobné.


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    Suite à sa participation à un tournoi exhibition en Argentine, un journaliste a demandé à Marat Safin ce qu’il pensait de la relève du tennis russe : c’est simple, Safin (qui est par ailleurs vice-président de sa Fédé nationale) estime qu’aucun jeune actuel n’a le potentiel pour faire mieux que Top 50 mondial. Ils vont les regretter, leurs Golubev et Korolev…


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    Not only is Marimne Mary Magdalene, but they seem to rush to the conclusion that “Mariamne” and Jesus were married…all on the basis of a DNA test which can only show these two were not maternally related.Mariamne could have been an annoying sister-in-law to the Jesus of the tomb!


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    I think that could be a complete other post in and of itself. I also think the issue is not sexual orientation but worship orientation. If someone has oriented their life around Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior they will go to heaven, whereas those who do not will go to hell, regardless of sexual preference.


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    My daughter is a senior at Cal Poly and loves it. Very competitive but worth it in the end. A liberal group characterized Cal Poly as "White, Christian and Republican" which works for me. Glad she went there. Actually, it is more diverse than that but still a great group of kids, almost as friendly as Texas A&M students. Great rodeo team.


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    What I meant Darius, maybe Kobe will play, but the injury is worse than he thought and the pain is worse than what was expected. In that case I don’t think it is that unrealistic if he played say one half and then sits the other. And maybe with Kobe hurting he won’t just try and take over at the wrong moments and will just try to play within the flow of the offense too, which is when the Lakers excel.


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    serban / Tatăl:- Pune, bă, mâna pe carte, că dacă nu, te … È™i-È›i … È™i io te omor că io te-am făcut!!!Copilul tace cu ochii în pământ suportând cu stoicism È™i această morală plictisitoare pe care o consideră inutilă, falsă È™i ipocrită. E obiÈ™nuit, a auzit È™i altele.Nu l-a văzut niciodată pe taică-su cu “mâna pe carte”. De fapt pe nimeni din familie sau din vecini nu a văzut să È›ină o carte în mână. I-a auzit doar făcând morală pe tema asta. Da’ el e destul de deÈ™tept ca să-È™i dea seama că nu e decât o vorbă-n vânt.


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    10/12/2010 – 4:06pmPues si. Por cierto, en las fotos que pone el marca estan los polis con las caras pixeladas.¿le va a meter un paquete la poli a la sexta por las imagenes de ayer?Espero que si


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    Cayetana y Borja, Madrid, Septiembre 2012.Una maravilla. Quedamos encantados y por lo que nos han dicho los invitados igual. Músicos de verdad y sensibles. Gente encantadora. GRACIAS!


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    Apart from the general shitfulness of this spot, I have two questions.1) Where is her bicycle helmet? (It would contravene advertising standards in Oz)2) Why does the PVC top she’s wearing and the overall lighting make her look like some submissive Japanese manga porn character? Were they aiming to achieve product recall in the spank bank of your average 14 year old boy?



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