




  1. 匿名

    How do you do..darren?…Im not a chinese word..Im being watched by UNKNOWNS…I searched at the foreign port,Your blog reached to me..
    Of course you are not relations to the observations, at first im suspect of you.
    Have you ever met in another sites?…Help me solve a problem by hacking..
    do you have a knowledge about it?..A hacking is a crime to my country..but
    a few ago, a IT center in studying was attack by ddos. Surely related to me..
    I think that IT center was being watched me, and attacked to replaced by me.
    A data was given to forign port, I have a blocked the port. Certainly Unknowns
    was misunderstanded of me, …Guess who? Do not have a way to find out?
    Help me to the answer if you know..Larbatros is a nick name,..named of a club of poets in university,..Im wating for your answers..bye. Sorry for leave this comments…goodbye..


    darren 回复:

    Are you a Korean? Sorry I can do nothing with your situation.




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